We’re on a mission to help you ignite your revenue potential.

In a world where sales and business growth often feel like a constant chase, we're here to change the game.

Our mission

To empower sales teams and key leaders with a different way of selling and representing their brand, beyond the cycle of relentless outbound efforts and clutter in the market.  
At Thoughtful Resound, we believe that untapped revenue potential lies in being the trusted expert and sought-after partner, not just a sales pitch. 

That's why we're here—to guide you towards a better path where inbound leads and revenue flow naturally.

  • We've sat in the sales and marketing seats, celebrated the wins, and experienced the challenges. We've witnessed the power of thought leadership to completely transform key leaders and sales professionals into industry experts, trusted partners, and revenue-driving machines.

  • Your brand carries immense value. We believe you have unique insights and expertise locked within you that can elevate your audience and drive impact for your business.

  • We've experienced the transformation that thought leadership brings and turned it into a formula for success. You're not simply accessing a consultancy; you're gaining a guide who knows the path and partner who wants you to win.

Our approach is not theoretical—it's tried, tested, and tailored to you.

Unlock your potential.
Guided by our expertise.

We've led companies to global recognition, generated millions in revenue, and shifted lead generation to 95% inbound. We’re driven by the unwavering belief that your insights, expertise, and experience hold immense value for your ideal audience. And that has the power to unlock new revenue streams for your business. 

The Thoughtful Resound movement is more than a strategic program to empower you; it's a call to transform how you engage, connect, and drive results. With a blend of expertise and approachability, we're your allies, here to build you as a hub of influence, share your knowledge, and attract opportunities like never before.

Step into a world where your expertise shines and your ideal audience seeks you out.

Want to learn more about CEO & Founder, Kelli Schutrop?
Check out the passion behind our story.